
The World of Sports


Among the most popular sports in the United States are football, baseball, and basketball. They are played by millions of students every year in schools and colleges. Sports also help people reach their fitness goals. They may encourage not smoking, drinking, and maintaining a healthy weight. Sports are also a great way to interact with others and build teamwork and communication skills.

Sports are part of every culture. For instance, baseball is the national sport of the United States, and the World Series of Major League Baseball is the best-of-seven playoff series of the sport. The longest drought in US sports history is 108 years.

The world’s largest sporting event is the FIFA World Cup, which attracted more than six billion concurrent viewers. Other televised sporting events include the Olympics, the Rugby World Cup, the Cheers season finale, and the M*A*S*H finals.

The most important aspect of competitive sport is the attitude of the individual athletes. While there are no national trials to select top-tier athletes, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sanctions water polo as a varsity sport for both men and women.

The inverted tree diagram is a useful tool for determining the degree of organisational structure around a sport. The wikipedia page on sports lists the various categories of sports.

The wikipedia page on the olympics lists the following: baseball, football, basketball, track and field, soccer, cycling, swimming, and archery. The wikipedia page on the olympics also lists the following: sports events, winners, and new sports.