
The History of Sports


The first modern sports began in the late 17th century. They were born during the Restoration period when Puritan leaders pushed traditional pastimes underground. During this period, the Marylebone Cricket Club led the development of organized games and rationalized competition. The first modern game of cricket was played in England in 1787.

In the early twentieth century, the sports of the Western world were embraced by the colonized peoples who were then motivated by emulation. In Argentina, the English influenced the development of the national game and led to the formation of football clubs. The sport spread worldwide, and now is a major form of entertainment.

In the modern world, sports have become economically interdependent with mass media. Without billion-dollar broadcast rights and saturation coverage in sports pages, professional sports will not survive. No other form of culture can reach such a large audience. As a result, sports have become a source of pleasure, prestige, and power. And while some critics find this influence problematic, it should be noted that there are many positive effects associated with the sport.

Sports also teach people leadership skills. They learn to take a team approach to problems and to play fair. Even when they lose, they can learn to remain focused on their strengths and abilities. In the long run, they learn that the road to success is never straight.